Ray Service, a.s. (For 53000 - 53999 & 56000 - 79899 zip codes)
Hustenovska 2022, 686 03 Stare Mesto, Czech Republic
+(420) 602 554 225
Mechatronic spol. s r.o. (For 10000 - 52999 & 54000 - 55299 zip codes)
Klonkerova 9, 14800 Praha 4, Czech Republic
+(420 2) 67 91 39 73
Contact us

Do you have a challenging project?
No matter how harsh the environment may be, LEMO has a solution ready for you to implement today.
If not, we promise to relentlessly innovate and develop one for you.
Please take a moment to reach out and describe your project, technical specifications and deadlines. We’re standing by and looking forward to hearing from you – and adding your business to our thousands of longstanding satisfied customers, partners and employees – very soon.