Sleep tight with Cidelec

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The importance of sleep for well-being and health is a proven fact. Unfortunately, bad nights can have a countless number of causes. 

Among these, sleep disordered breathing affects one person out of twenty in western countries. They have an adverse effect on overall health and can considerably increase the risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Not to mention the inconvenience they cause to the person (not) sleeping next to them…

Sleep apnoea syndrome (Pickwickian syndrome) was described in 1956. The description of sleep disordered breathing was launched in the sixties. Research passed a milestone in the late eighties when cooperation between the Sleep Laboratory of the University Hospital of Angers and the ESEO Electronics Research Laboratory resulted in a brand-new technology designed to detect respiratory events (apnoea, snoring…) by tracheal sounds. For patients, it gives the benefit of avoiding the use of invasive sensors for diagnostic recording. The innovation was patented and it led to the creation of the company Cidelec.

To this day, their technology remains unique, since it is the only one capable of recording three physiological parameters with a single sensor stuck on the skin above the trachea: mouth and nasal breathing, respiratory effort and snoring. In addition, it can analyse the resistance of the upper airways (pharynx) by measuring acoustic intensity.

Patient monitoring using Cidelec’s new Smart-PSG

Patient monitoring using Cidelec’s new Smart-PSG

Cidelec, who have become the French leader in the field of sleeping disorder diagnostic equipment, develop all their solutions based on this technology called PneaVoX.

Among these are portable polygraph ventilators to diagnose sleep disordered breathing. Combined with thoracoabdominal straps and other sensors (oximeter, nasal cannula, brightness sensor, etc.), polygraphs can detect and characterise sleep apnoea syndrome, whether obstructive (mechanical obstruction of the airflow in the upper airways) central (when the patient forgets to breathe because the brain doesn’t send a signal to the body to do so), or mixed.

Portable polysomnographs are used when other factors (neurological in particular) may also be involved in the sleeping disorders. In addition to respiratory data, they are capable of recording 8 further electrophysiological parameters: brain activity, muscle activity and eye movements. Reaching beyond PneaVoX technology, Cidelec polysomnographs feature another unique benefit: they are the only ones to be fitted on the wrist instead of the thorax, so that patients can sleep on their stomachs if they wish to.

Cidelec can provide sleep labs with polysomnographs that can record and visualise in real time all respiratory parameters up to 24 electrophysiological parameters. They are currently designed as fixed devices equipped with a video, connected via a cable to a case at the patient’s bedside, who is also connected via a cable to the technical monitoring room.

This year, Cidelec, a LEMO customer, will offer an innovative version called “Smart PSG” using tactile wireless technology. Medical staff monitoring will be further facilitated and patient comfort will also improve, with free movement made possible during night observation.